Mr. Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, who is a well-known labor activist, has been incarcerated for more than four years in various prisons in Iran. In an attack of security forces on Evin prison’s ward 350, on April 17, 2014, Behnam was also targeted, physically attacked and sent to ward 209 for interrogations. He was brought up on new charges and was forbidden from any visitation since then.
According to a recent statement issued by Behnam Ebrahimzadeh Defence Committee, On Saturday, June 28, 2014, Evin prison’s officials contacted Behnam’s family and asked them to come to prison to visit him.
Next day, Behnam’s family arrives at Evin prison and after their visitation is over six security agents in civilian clothing take Mr. Ebrahimzadeh’s wife and son hostage and take them back to their house by a fleet of cars, raiding their residence, confiscating and taking away all of their belongings
Security forces pressured Behnam’s fifteen years old son, Nima, who is afflicted with Leukemia (a fact known internationally), to hand over all of his father’s documents including the flash drives.
It should be noted that while the attack was is progress the entire episode was being filmed in order to desecrate Ebrahimzadeh’s family amongst the members of their community.
After the attack went on for some hours the security agents left the house around four in the afternoon.
During the attack Behnam’s wife and son were also interrogated and threatened repeatedly that “they should confess to everything you have done.”
After agents inspected the entire house they took away all of Behnam’s personal belongings, his computer, peripheries, and the family’s satellite dish. They also took away all of family’s identification cards, bank cards and recorded their bank account numbers as well.
Behnam Ebrahimzadeh Defence Committee has strongly condemned this inhuman treatment and attack on Mr. Ebrahimzadeh’s family. The Committee is holding every individual involved on this attack responsible and liable for any complications in Nima’s fragile health. The Defense Committee has called on all workers and labor organizations in the world to not be silent towards this attack and express their protest by any means possible for them.
All labour organizations, labour activists and liberated people throughout the world should strongly condemns this latest act of violence towards labour activists and their family members in Iran.
This is part of a coordinated policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to maximize pressures on jailed labour activists, their colleagues and family members in order to make their voices silent and continue with the oppression of the working class movement in Iran.
Please send your protests letters to:
info@leader.ir [2]
iran@un.int [4]
rouhani@csr.ir [5]
info@dadiran.ir [7]
avaei@Dadgostary-tehran.ir [11]
bia.judi@yahoo.com [12]
info@mlsa.ir [13]
larijani@ipm.ir [14]
Source:http://iranian.com/posts/behnam-ebrahimzadeh-prisoner-of-the-day-34796 [15]