Dear Friends of UID-DER
Thank you very much for a wonderful video message on the occasion of the second anniversary of Fumiaki Hoshino’s death in prison. It was so touching and I was inspired and encouraged by your message: “People like him does not die. They keep on living.” The message in the video also impressed every participant, some had tears in their eyes. The assembly held in Tokyo on May 30th was composed of two parts. At the first part, one of the organizers of the Nationwide Movement to Win Hoshino State Redress made a brief address, and then the lawyers reported progress.
Next, the keynote report was presented. After a short break, at the very beginning of the latter part, the video message was shown. Then, there was a music performance. After that, Yoji Sakate, a playwright, and I had a special talk on the subject of Okinawa and Hoshino. His family member made an appeal. Under the COVID-19 crisis we had to restrict the number of people, and yet we successfully and impressively concluded the assembly with 240 participants. I am certain that we have further developed to get down to win Hoshino State Redress. Also, the issue of the Okinawa and Hoshino has become widely understood to everyone. I will keep on striving for creating a society that ensure the right of all human beings to live and flourish humanely. This is what Fumiaki had pursued for all his life. Let us work together and get this done.
We express our solidarity with Burmese people fighting against Myanmar’s military regime. We fight to overthrow Japanese Suga government that continues to support Myanmar’s military regime as early as possible.
In Solidarity
Akiko Hoshino