Dear class brothers and sisters,
As your class brothers/sisters in UID-DER of Turkey, we hail the anti-capitalist struggle you mount in the context of the Hiroshima summit to be held by shameless imperialists. It is an unavoidable task to smash the plans which involve fuelling the flames of war and turning the Pacific into a war zone as well while ravaging Ukraine. This is of crucial importance for the world working class.
The fact that those who killed hundreds of thousands of people by nuclear bombs in Japan are holding a war summit in Hiroshima where this massacre happened is actually a showing of teeth to not only the laborers in Japan but all laborers of the world. While the lords of this capitalist system are reckless when they drive the working masses into misery, joblessness, wars, they are also reckless when they kill by means of nuclear weapons. So, there will be no peace for the working class unless it brings capitalism to an end by countering this bunch of bandits on all fronts.
Long live the international struggle of the working class!
Down with capitalism!