Solidarity message to the working people of Turkey and Syria from Partido Manggagawa

The Partido Manggagawa (Labor Party-Philippines) expresses its condolences with the victims of the recent devastating earthquake in parts of Turkey and Syria. We offer too our sympathies with the grieving and suffering of the Turkish and Syrian people. We have watched in horror as news came out of the more than five thousand already killed as of the moment.
We know that workers in the emergency services and ordinary volunteers are in the frontlines of the disaster response. We understand too that workers are laboring in the background to sustain the economy in this time of crisis. Work in such conditions of disaster is hard and difficult not just physically and mentally. And it is made even more challenging by policies of austerity and cuts that are man-made disasters that have devastated public services and public jobs. Thus, we extend the hand of solidarity with the working class of both Turkey and Syria in these trying times.
Partido Manggagawa
National Executive Committee