Solidarty Message of The New Anticapitalist Party From France

Ten days after the horrendous earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the number of casualties amouts to more than 35,000 dead persons, tens of thousands of wounded persons.
The help sent by authorities is far from enough: in many villages, it took several days for emergency services to come and in insufficient numbers. The victims lack everything: heating, treatment, fuel, means of communication.
However, people organize solidarity everywhere. Workers and the whole population did not wait for official aid to start searching through the rubbles, bring first aid needs such as food and warm clothes.
We stand in solidarity with the Turkish and Syrian population affected by the catastrophe, as well as with all those who strive to organize help despite the negligence of those in power. We also stand in solidarity with the population of Northern Syria hit by the earthquake – a population suffering from the war for years now.
So, despite the distance and the lack of means of intervention, we intend to support these grassroot demonstrations of solidarity in Turkey. It is to the population, to the active workers that are organizing there to help the affected population, that we send all of our support.
The New Anticapitalist Party