Message from Doro-Chiba

Dear Brother Bayram YILMAZ, Chairman of UID-DER (Association of International Workers Solidarity) and all our comrades of UID-DER,
Since the eruption of the world-worst nuclear disaster of Fukushima Dai-ichi triggered by the Earthquake on March 11, 2011,Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba)has been organizing a signature campaign to abolish all nuclear power plants on the earth, appealing to workers and labor unions all over the world.
UID-DER is the most earnest and significant supporter of our campaign, responding to our appeal by sending us over 16,000 signatures which were gathered under the following slogans.
“We’d like to reiterate here our common and urgent tasks: What is needed now is to establish a huge and powerful labor movement to stop and abolish nuclear power plants. For that purpose, it is imperative to overthrow capitalism that needs nuclear power plants for its desperate survival.”
“Workers of the world, unite! Down with imperialism together with NPP! ”
We immediately handed them to the suffering and struggling workers and inhabitants in severely-affected Fukushima. This resulted in giving a terrible blow to the Japanese government as a clear evidence of international solidarity in anti-nuclear weapon and anti-NPP movement. We are enormously grateful to you.
We feel still sorry that we could not answer to your invitation to the rally “Forward to Struggle and Solidarity against Work Accidents” on December 15, 2013. Our schedule at that moment hindered us to join you.
You have sent us last year various DVDs of your struggle in Turkey, including reports on the above-mentioned rally. We are able to get a rich picture of how Turkish workers are actually fighting full of energy and power.
In these recent years, we of Doro-Chiba have developed international contacts with you, UID-DER, and other important labor unions of the world, including those of Korea, USA and Germany.
The fourth commemoration day of March 11th is closing near. In response to the angry heart of Fukushima people, we are organizing a fresh struggle on this occasion with the support of international organizations and movements with UID-DER at the head.
Herewith we are sending to you once again DCQR (Doro-Chiba Quake Report) No. 64 with “March 11th Appeal” on it.
In Solidarity,
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
General Secretary
H. Yamamoto